Endorse the
Plant based treaty
The Capra Libera Tutti Sanctuary is a protected oasis where the freedom of all species is defended and preserved, in connection with the enhancement and protection of nature and the environment.
We commit ourselves daily to the creation of a concrete and positive alternative that with its message of respect and coexistence can inspire human society towards cultural and political change.
However, we cannot ignore or underestimate what is happening outside our borders: a systematic ecocide.
We cannot, therefore, exclude from our struggle and our awareness-raising work all those animals we do not see and cannot save, hundreds of billions of individuals condemned to death in farms and slaughterhouses around the world, places of violence and cruelty that have an increasingly polluting and devastating impact on our planet.
Despite the fact that parties, ministers, entire institutions and even many media continue to play down the issue and present it as a still open debate, the international scientific community and important bodies such as the FAO and IPCC have already amply and unequivocally expressed their views on the unsustainability of global food systems and the heavy responsibility of intensive animal farming in terms of greenhouse gas emissions, placing them among the main causes of global pollution (not to mention the tragic repercussions of the animal farming industry on soil, water and air; these too are amply documented and proven).
For all these reasons, we have passionately signed and joined Plant Based Treaty, a global campaign that puts the transformation of food systems based on animal exploitation at the forefront as an important tool in the fight against climate change, lobbying national governments to negotiate an international treaty for a transition to a fairer, more equitable and sustainable food system for all animals, the planet and the people who inhabit it.
Endorse the Plant Based Treaty! You can join individually, as an organisation, company or municipality.