We are making a dream come true.

In the coming months, the Capra Libera Tutti Sanctuary will expand along the slopes of this mountain.

We are growing to be able to welcome new animals and give them back the space they deserve.

But also to create a place of meeting, culture, and education that can have an ever-growing impact on human society.

It will also grow our activism, beyond the physical boundaries of this place. We will grow our initiatives, our events, and the stories we tell you.

Help us amplify these stories and spread the Sanctuary message.

Animals in the city

The stories of free animals come to town!

Their journey begins with a new format based on positive communication: our goal is to take these stories everywhere, crossing the physical boundaries of sanctuaries and the social media bubble.

With this new street action, we intend to tell and make known to more and more people the existence of these places of resistance and transformation and the possibility of a different encounter and relationship with other living species, creating a movement of public solidarity toward the Animal Sanctuaries that are still not recognized by Italian law.

The animals that inhabit the sanctuaries are ambassadors of awareness and change, which is why Disobbedienza Animale, the street activism branch of the Capra Libera Tutti Sanctuary finally takes to the streets to amplify their stories and the message of liberation that sanctuaries carry on!

We want a world where liberation is not just an exception to the rule.
We want a world where freedom is no longer outlawed!

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