The Capra Libera Tutti Sanctuary is alive because of people like you. People who care about living beings and the planet.
If you help the Sanctuary you become part of a movement. You become part of us. And confirm that we are moving in the right direction.
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You can donate by bank transfer to:
Banca (Bank) Etica
Made out to Santuario Capra Libera Tutti
Why donate to the Capra LiberaTutti Sanctuary? With our genuineness and friendliness, we convey our passion for what we do, our love for animals, and our commitment to advancing difficult and important causes.
It took me 45 years to finally find a person who was able to fulfill exactly my dream...
It was early May of this year and Facebook told me that the Capra Libera Tutti Sanctuary page might interest me... Gosh, it was right!
I walked in a little hesitantly and in an instant, a world opened up to me. I couldn't believe it, heaven on earth! Video after video, post after post, I went backward for years and couldn't stop. Massimo's project, his way of relating to these beautiful creatures, and his continuous sacrifices repaid in full by the unconditional love they all give him, won me over in an instant.
All the money we receive from donations is used to keep the sanctuary alive. From the first to the last cent.
The biggest expenses involve food.
We are about 500 dogs, cats, llamas, cows, horses, pigs, sheep, goats, rabbits chickens, and turkeys, and every day we spend about 300 euros just for food.
But beyond food, there is more. There are vets where we run to every time there is a need. We need medicines. There are fences to be redone. The structures to be improved. And many other small and big things that allow us to make the Sanctuary a magical place.
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© 2020 Capra Libera Tutti Sanctuary | Privacy Policy | Made with Love by Gorilla Tribe