Adopt a Sanctuary Animal
The Batman Brothers
The Batman Brothers came to the Capra Libera Tutti Sanctuary from a small nearby farm. Like all their mates and companions, they were destined for slaughter for Christmas table meals.
It was an absurd “unforeseen” event that saved them from death: the freezer where the bodies of slaughtered animals were stored before the sale was full: there was no more room for them.
The lack of space caused the breeder to look for an alternative solution, and so these two birds found their way to the Capra Libera Tutti Sanctuary, where their story took an extraordinary turn.
Their story encapsulates all the evil that is inflicted on animals on farms, large or small. But the unexpected and fortunate ending of this story reminds us that every life matters and can be transformed from a cruel fate to one of love and protection.
Batman Brothers are two affectionate and expansive ducks with dark and bright plumage. Their connection is visible and testifies to the depth of the bonds that every animal can establish and cultivate with each other.
Right from the start, the Batman Brothers have become true ambassadors of tenderness at the Capra Libera Tutti Sanctuary, winning the hearts of everyone.
The Batman Brothers
Year of birth
Arrival at the Sanctuary