Adopt a Sanctuary Animal

Isabel and Orfeo

Isabel lived free and wild on a mountain opposite the Sanctuary.

She survived a capture attempt but fractured her leg in the escape.

After two months in the care of a veterinary clinic, her fate was uncertain until the technical office of the municipality of Monteflavio agreed to entrust her to us.

Isabel retains an untamed and solitary character: her wild nature and the trauma she has suffered make her wary of human beings.

When she arrived she was very frightened and would not even let us approach her, so we began to build a relationship of mutual trust with her. Here she can continue to live free, and we will always respect her space and character, but through this relationship, we will be able to monitor her health and assist or treat her if the need arises.

Like all the inhabitants of the sanctuary, Isabel is learning to understand that in this place the human being is not an enemy, but an accomplice ally, and guardian of her freedom!

When we welcomed her, Isabel was not alone: she was carrying Orfeo, who was born free on this mountain and will never know any form of exploitation.



Isabel and Orfeo



Year of birth


Arrival at the Sanctuary


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