What is 5x1000?
(and why it doesn't cost anything to you)
The 5×1000 is a portion of IRPEF (personal income tax) that anyone who pays taxes must pay and can be used to support nonprofits.
The important thing you need to know is that you will pay that fee anyway, the difference is whether or not you decide to donate it to whom.
If you fill out the appropriate section of your tax return to choose to whom you allocate it, you will be supporting the cause you feel most strongly about; if you do not, however, there are two cases:
1 – by leaving the section blank your money will go to the government and not help any nonprofit organization
2 – if you sign without giving the tax code of the organization, the government will decide to whom that money goes
And how will the government decide?
Allocating it proportionately to the entities that have been chosen over and over again by other people.
In practice, those who already receive more money will receive even more (and, unfortunately, we are not always talking about entities that care about the lives of animals).
This freedom to choose to whom we give part of the taxes we pay is a very rare opportunity, do you want to miss it?
How can you choose the
Capra Libera Tutti Sanctuary?
To donate your 5×1000 to the Sanctuary Animals, on your 730 or CUD form, simply fill in the section “I SUPPORT THIRD-SECTOR ENTITIES REGISTERED IN THE RUNTS REFERRED TO IN ART. 46…” by entering the tax code 94083710585 and signing.
If you have any doubts or questions about your specific case, write to us at info@capraliberatutti.org and we will help you out.
And if you’re afraid you won’t remember to fill out the appropriate section, click below:
Shall we help you remember?
With so many commitments and things on our minds, even remembering to choose who to give 5×1000 to can become complicated, we understand you.
By filling out the form below we can remind you what to do and how to do it when the time is right.
And then, we can never automatically know who allocated the 5×1000 donation to us due to the way the system functions. By filling out the form we will at least know that you plan to do so (and for that you already have our gratitude).
Will you help us spread the word?
Statistics say that most people in Italy do not fill out the section to donate the 5×1000 (actually giving up their right to choose) because they either do not know exactly how it works or do not know who to donate it to.
If you would like to help us improve those statistics by making as many people as possible donate 5×1000 to the Capra Libera Tutti Sanctuary, please share this page with one of the buttons below:
How to donate it?
We strive every day to show the world that the true identity of these animals is far removed from the one propagated by industry and advertising and that it does not coincide at all with the productive function the system assigns them.
In the capitalist society in which we live, it seems almost inconceivable to think that other animals can exist – individually and collectively – without a useful purpose to satisfy supposed human “needs”.
From time to time we are even asked why we do not support ourselves by selling the eggs or milk of the Sanctuary residents: as if they should somehow repay us for the freedom we help them regain.
But that is exactly the point: in sanctuaries, animals are finally free to live their lives without a lucrative purpose, without producing profits and earnings.
They are free to do what every living being is born to do: live.
The only things that the Capra Libera Tutti Sanctuary residents produce are awareness and positive change in the people who come in contact with their stories.
Here it is possible to meet them, get to know them, and finally recognize them as individuals, living and sentient beings who are the creators of their existence and free to self-determine.
Through their free existences, their living and vital testimony, and their unique stories, these animals are ambassadors of the world we wish to see!
The mountain named by us Montagna Libera Tutti
Through expansion on the new land, our mission also grows: through our presence we defend our host mountain from hunting and other invasive human activities, to protect its immense richness and biodiversity by encouraging the return of wild species and pollinating insects.
From 2021 to date, thanks in part to the cooperation of some specialized organizations, we have planted about 100 native trees and 400 Paulonias, plants that can capture large amounts of CO2.